Saturday, December 7, 2019

Business Ethics Sustainability Management †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Business Ethics Sustainability Management? Answer: Introducation Christopher (2014) define ethics as the moral principles that govern ones behavior or the rules of behavior based on the ideas concerning what is termed as morally right or wrong. In education perspective, students are expected to know their code of ethics and also understand how engaging in unethical activities may impact their performance. In the recent years, the issue of students paying for someone to write their assignments and submitting them as their own has been affecting the quality of graduates which learning institutions produce to the job market (Janelle, 2016). Presenting another persons work is a serious breach of academic ethics because all students must complete their assignments so that assessors can evaluate if they have understood the concepts they are supposed to cover. Presenting other persons work should be treated as a serious ethical issue because it has adverse long-term impacts to the students. Paying another person to complete what the student should complete is a serious ethical issue because assignment, tests, and homework are part of learning and therefore if done by another person it means the person who does the work is the one learning and not the student (Linda, 2013). Presenting assignments done by other people is a serious breach of academic code of ethics which can even be termed as plagiarism. In every learning institutions, cheating in exams, assignments, homework or any other academic activity is a serious academic misconduct. Based on this perspective, paying for assignments is unethical because it involves doing what is wrong and what can lead to a number of consequences. The other major reason why paying for assignments to be done and present them as own should be termed as unethical is because the students who engage in this activity treats their honest classmates with disrespect and, possibly, diminishing their performance by pumping up their grade fraudulently (Olivia, 2016). Students should be honest with what they present to their teachers because it shows their real performance and also enables the teacher to know the strengths and weaknesses of their students. It also enables the learners to learn more through going beyond what they are taught by their tutors. Based on academic code of ethics, cheating in exams, assignments or homework is wrong. Paying another person money to complete an assignment is cheating because that cannot be termed as the students work (Sandra, 2015). Students are required to complete assignments based on how they have understood the course concepts or undertake their own research to come up with their findings concerning a particular concept. The other reason which should make one argue that the act of paying writing companies to undertake assignments on behalf of the student is unethical is because it in most cases it makes the learners to attain what does not belong to them. If for example, the student gets high-quality work which gives him best grades, he ends up getting very good certificate at the end of the course. According to Ashley (2012), students should only get certificates which portray their knowledge. Having good certificate which one did not work for is wrong. Based on McDonalds four levels of business ethics, people can analyze business ethics from different levels. Some of these levels comprise of personal level, organizational level, international level and national level (Linda, 2013). Personal level states that individuals should from time to time engage in ethical decision making as they grasple with what is correct in different business circumstances. Based on this level, students should understand the ethical standpoint of paying for their assignments to be done by other people and presenting them as their work. At this point, students should be aware of the likely impacts which they are likely to get from engaging themselves in this kind of business. Organizational level is based on the ethical actions of an organization and the ability to understand engaging in wrong activities results to inappropriate decision making (Phillida, 2014). In this case, organizations or companies which undertake this kind of business should understand that they make learning institutions to make wrong decisions in terms of giving good grades to students who do not deserve them. It also touches learning institutions which allow students to present work done by other people and give them good grades instead of taking the right action regarding such issues. National level focuses on the overall expectations of the society, in this case, referring to the shared norms concerning ethical business behavior which the society deems as correct. Paying assignment to be done is not only condemned by learning but also by the society believes it should not exist because it breaches the academic code of conducts (Kanwal, 2016). The society feels it is wrong for students to pay for their assignments to be done and presenting them as their work because it makes learning institutions to produce individuals who do not have the required knowledge in the job market. International level talks about the coordinated efforts from different countries to address different ethical issues (Nasser, 2014). As the issue of paying for assignments to be done and presenting them as the students work continues to become one of the major issue affecting the quality of students which learning institutions produce in the society, several countries have come out to talk about it because it is affecting the quality of education in almost all countries. The reason why all countries are getting concerned about this issue is that investing in education is very much important to the growth of a country. If students engage in the activity of paying for assignments to be done, the country ends up having professionals who cannot perform well in the job market. Based on these theories, it is clear that students should uphold their academic ethics through doing what is expected of them. Deontology theory majorly judges human practices as either morally right or morally wrong, based on if they are consistent with particular duties which the theory holds as intrinsically moral. Consequentialism comprises of the ethical theories that judge human practices as either morally right or wrong based on their consequences (Paul, 2016). On the other hand, virtue ethics instead of focusing majorly on the consequences of actions or fulfillment of duties, virtue ethics takes virtue-qualities of moral character as fundamental ethical life. Arguing from these theories, it can be seen that there is a relationship between the issue of paying assignments to be done by other people and presenting them as your own because there are consequences associated with the issue. Based on consequentialism theory, it is important for individuals to understand that the correct moral response is always related to the consequence or outcome of the fact. Deontology focuses on rules, obligations, and duties (Sally, 2010). The major difference between deontology, consequentialism and virtue theories is that the latter emphasizes the moral character or virtues of an individual. Based on the key emphasis from the three theories, it can be seen that all of them have a similarity of relating moral activity with its outcome or consequence. According to consequentialism theory, best results from engaging in activities which are right. Although students who engage in this activity sometimes get good results, they end up graduating without the best skills in the field they specialize in (Pamela, 2014). engaging in such activities also end up getting problems which result from producing low quality, plagiarized or even failing to submit assignments. This theory connects with the idea of providing own work because the teacher gives the grade which the student deserves and assists him in the areas which he feels the student need assistance. Although the three theories: consequentialism, deontology, and virtue explains it in different ways, they all have one idea which is minding the consequences or an outcome of a particular act (Kanyaprin, 2016). On the issue of paying people to do assignments and presenting the work without acknowledging that the work was done by somebody else, students should always think about the effects of doing so. They should understand engaging in such activities results to a negative impact on their performance. Paying other people to do your homework and presenting it as own work is unethical and antithetical to learning. Based on research undertaken in the past concerning this issue, students who engage in this activity realizes different problems which end up affecting them even after completing their courses. According to Chen (2016), some of the companies which offer these services are scammers and end up not providing assignments as required by the students. His factor makes the students to receive bad grades or even fail to get any marks especially when they fail to submit anything. According to Azadeh (2016), students and teachers who have come across some of the work done by some of the essay companies say that some of them deliver low quality work with bad grammar, plagiarism issues and other factors which make the students to end up getting no marks or poor grades. Some of them are also associated with failing to meet deadlines, a situation which leads to lack of submitting assignments or providing work which does not meet the requirements. When such things happen, the person who is affected most is the student because he or she wastes a lot of resources and time looking for people or companies which can complete his/her assignments (Nasser, 2014). Numerous cases have been reported whereby students spend a lot of money to get their work done but end up failing to get the work or receiving something which is not worth the money spent. According to Andrea (2013), the repercussions of paying people or companies to write essays for students can be direr. He also believes that using such services can as well lead to adverse effect on the future of students, not least on their personal ethics. Some of these impacts include not being able to perform well in ones career life because of not acquiring the required skills to perform well in particular job position. One of the major aims of giving assignments to students is to enable their teachers analyze the level at which their students understand the concepts of a particular course. When students pay writing companies to complete these assignments and present them as their work, it becomes hard for the teachers to know the areas which the students need to be assisted (Janelle, 2016). This makes the students to complete their courses without the required skills, which at times makes them fail to get jobs which match their area of specialization. This happens especially when the student fails to demonstrate knowledge in a particular life during job interview irrespective of having certificates which show good grades. In conclusion paying writing companies to undertake assignments should be termed as unethical because it is a serious breach of the academic code of ethics. Students are required to undertake all academic tasks so that they can be graded based on their performance. Based on McDonalds four ethical levels of business ethics, it can be identified that all levels talk about the impacts of engaging in doing activities which right or wrong. The issue of paying assignments to be done by other people has an impact on not only the students but also the learning institution, and the society and to the international level. The three ethical theories seem to have a close relationship with paying writing companies to complete assignments and other academic related tasks on behalf of the student and the ethical perspective of this activity. All three theories talk about the relationship between a particular moral activity and its outcome or consequences. The issue of paying for academic tasks to be completed by another person has various consequences to the student. Some of them comprise of engaging in plagiarism issues, failing to perform well in the job market, getting poor grades or even failing to get work to submit because some of the writing companies are scam, wasting a lot of money among others. The consequences of engaging in this activity can be so serious to the extent of making the student to lack job which matches his or her area of specialization irrespective of having certificates which indicate good grades. References Andrea, D. L. (2013). Unethical Behavior of the Students of the Czech University of Life Sciences. International Education Studies, 6(11), 43-67. Ashley, S. H. (2012). Faculty on the Frontline: Predicting Faculty Intentions to Address College Student Plagiarism. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 16(4), 56-78. Azadeh. N. (2016). Ma Students' Viewpoints about Academic Misconduct, Its Reasons and Anti-Plagiarism Policies and Procedures in Iran. Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods, 6(2), 90-98. Chen, L. C. (2016). Text Research on Academic Misconduct of Colleges and Universities Students. Cross - Cultural Communication, 10(5), 67-89. Christopher, Q. R. (2014). The Relationship between Disciplinary Practices in Childhood and Academic Dishonesty in College Students. College Student Journal, 48(3), 90-113. Janelle. J. (2016). Codes of Conduct in Academia. College and University, 90(3), 145-156. Kanwal, M. K (2016). 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