Sunday, October 6, 2019

Reproduction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reproduction - Essay Example It has gonads also known as testes, a chain of ducts that helps in transportation of spermatozoa, and accessory glands (Palladino, n.d.). The process of spermatogenesis begins in the testes. It constitutes spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis (Jones & Lopez, 2006). In spermatogenesis, a diploid spermatogonium is changed into four haploid spermatids. The spermatogonia are found as immature germ cells found next to the walls of each seminiferous tubules. Mitosis is involved in the multiplication of these cells. Every one spermatogonium is 2n and constitutes double number chromosomes (46) (Jones & Lopez, 2006). Mitosis is involved in the multiplication of chromosomes, in which each of the pair that arises is moved into the progeny. Some spermatogonia begin meiosis. In the division, the spermatogonium changes into primary spermatocyte. This then enters the first meiotic division resulting in daughter cells with 23 chromosomes (Jones & Lopez, 2006). At this stage of reduction, the cells are now haploid (n) instead of diploid (2n). The n cells at this stage are known as secondary spermatocytes. In meiosis II cells produce four haploid cells known as the spermatids (Jones & Lopez, 2006). At this stage, the process is complete. The spermatids are later changed into sperm cells through a process known as spermiogenesis (Jones & Lopez, 2006). This is capable of fertilizing an egg. The process of spermatogenesis also relies on hormonal regulation. The tubules are surrounded by interstitial cells that help in the production of testosterone and secrete it into the bloodstream (Palladino, n.d.). The production of testosterone is at its highest in teenage years. The increase leads to the start of spermatogenesis as well as the development of accessory glands. Another hormone that plays a significant role in the process is androgens. The hormone helps in male sexual being as well as stimulation of secondary sexual characteristics (Palladino, n.d.). A complex

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