Monday, September 30, 2019

Lokpal Bill Essay

The present paper is aimed to undermine and explore the viability of Lokpal Bill which is to act as armour against the most detested and evil practice, namely corruption. This reverent bill coined in 1963 by L. M. Singhvi for grievance redressal mechanism was first introduced in 1968 and passed the fourth Lok Sabha in 1969 but before it could be passed by Rajya Sabha, the Lok Sabha was dissolved and the bill lapsed. The bill is inspired by the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). The present Lokpal bill at hand will be meticulously examined and discussed and its approach towards decreasing corruption will be compared to the countries which have similar anti-corruption legislation. A comparative study between the Janlokpal Bill, amended by the civil society, and the Lokpal Bill (Government’s Bill), will also be drawn out. Implications of the implementation of the appropriate Lokpal Bill is illustrated and its scope and significant role in the society in preserving the constitutional spirit of the democratic nation, India is highlighted. The gruesome problem, which is of implementation of the law in the present situation will be highlighted. Paper will be enhanced using judicial views of bringing Lokpal Bill in India and its Pros and Cons will be discussed in the light of several pertinent issues. Paper will also target to answer some thought provoking question in this area which shall lead to better understanding. 1. Origination of the concept of a Lokpal Bill: The basic idea of the institution of Lok Pal was borrowed from the concept of Ombudsman in countries such as Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, U.K. and New Zealand. In 1995, the European Union created the post of European Ombudsman. Presently, about 140 countries have the office of the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is an institution, independent of the judiciary, executive and legislature and analogous with that of a high judicial functionary. He is mostly free to choose his investigation method and agency. The expenditure of the office is under Parliamentary control. In Sweden, Denmark and Finland, the office of the Ombudsman can redress citizens’ grievances by either directly receiving complaints from the public or suo moto. However, in the UK, the office of the Parliamentary Commissioner can receive complaints only through Members of Parliament (to whom the citizen can complain). Sweden and Finland also have the power to prosecute erring public servants. 2. History of The Lokpal Bill: In 1966, the First Administrative Reforms Commission recommended that two independent authorities at the central and state level be established to enquire into complaints against public functionaries (including Members of Parliament). The Lok Pal Bill was introduced for the first time in 1968 but it lapsed with the dissolution of the Lok Sabha. It was introduced seven more times in Parliament, the last time in 2001. However, the Bill lapsed each time except in 1985 when it was withdrawn. At the state level, so far 18 states have created the institution of the Lokayukta through the Lokayukta Acts. In 2002, the report of the National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution urged that the Constitution should provide for the appointment of the Lok Pal and Lokayuktas in the states but suggested that the Prime Minister should be kept out of the purview of the authority. In 2004, the UPA government’s National Common Minimum Programme promised that the Lok Pal Bill would be enacted. The Second Administrative Commission, formed in 2005, also recommended that the office of the Lok Pal be established without delay. In January 2011, the government formed a Group of Ministers, chaired by Shri Pranab Mukherjee to suggest measures to tackle corruption, including examination of the proposal of a Lok Pal Bill. 3. Lokpal Bill: Introduction- The main objective of the concept of the Lokpal is to bring out speedier anti-corruption measures in the greater interest of the public and bring justice to them. The Lokpal is proposed to be a three-member body and the chairperson should be a current or past Chief Justice or a judge of the Supreme Court. The other two members should be current or past Chiefs Justice or judges of high courts across the country. The appointments of the Lokpal members should be made as per the recommendation of a specially constituted committee for the purpose. The Lokpal should not hold any office of profit under the Union and State governments. The Lokpal should have a fixed tenure of three years and the salaries of the members should be charged on the Consolidated Fund of India. Any person, other than public servants can make complaints against corruption to the Lokpal and the Lokpal should complete the inquiry within 6 months. It may be noted that the operational jurisdiction of the Lokpal is restricted only to cases of corruption and not applicable to other grievance areas like maladministration. Implementation- The citizens of developing nations like India are very much familiar with the word â€Å"corruption.† The hapless citizens are quite often victims of corrupt political leaders and the top brass of the administrative officers. The countrymen are often denied the fruits of growth because illegally accumulated money is blatantly siphoned off to foreign banks that indirectly back tax evasion. Politically conscious citizens and those vocal against corruption are happy about the potentialities of the Lokpal bill. The bill is influenced by the concept of Ombudsman prevalent in Scandinavian countries, especially in Sweden. The Ombudsman concept has been highly successful in dealing with corruption in European countries and India now deserves a try. Why is the Lokpal Bill still pending? It can make even a child understand why the politicians are intentionally delaying the bill. After all, the bill is ultimately targeted to them only. Though there are normal grievance redress mechanisms available the public in the present judiciary system, they are not speedy enough and often are victims of red-tapism political influences. The Lokpal bill, if implemented, will act as a real guardian of civil rights and will bring errant politicians to justice – speedily and economically. Feasibility of Lokpal Bill- There have been fears that the Lokpal bill will call in question the very democratic infrastructure of the country and people will lose faith in it. The Lokpal will be nothing else but an extra-constitutional body. The Lokpal Bill will bring all existing anti-corruption bodies like the departmental vigilance, Central Vigilance Commission and anti-corruption branch of the CBI into the Lokpal. This would result into immense concentration of power in just one institution – the Lokpal. The body will become highly powerful and there is no guarantee that corruption will not creep in the country’s highest anti-corruption wing – the Lokpal itself. In short, the Lokpal may threaten the democratic and judicial functions of the country in many ways. This ultimately may not be beneficial for democracy. The Lokpal will have total authority to initiate inquiry suo motu in any case. This will give it the power to register FIRs, prosecute any officer and proceed with criminal investigation against any politician or judge. All this power can dangerously weaken authority of other institutions like police and CBI. There are high chances that the Lokpal will emerge as a completely unchecked extra-constitutional body without stability. There may be contradictory opinions on Lokpal, but we will definitely want to put a full stop to corruption and stashing of black money into safe tax havens. Some form of power should be vested on the common citizens so that they can unmask corrupt politicians and officers to prevent further erosion of moral and social values in the country. This is an effort from SSER, with the assistance of Meharia & Company, a reputedly largest law firm in Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, we have taken the onus of dealing into any matter that affects the common people. We believe our free legal advice would be helpful to them. Loopholes of the Lokpal Bill- According to the current version of Lokpal Bill, Lokpal will not have any power to either initiate action suo motu in any case or even receive complaints of corruption from public. This is making the Lokpal bill useless. But according to the Jan Lokpal Bill, full powers to initiate investigations suo motu in any case and also to directly entertain complaints from the public. This is something very important and needs to be addressed by the Government and we see most of the political parties finding this as a threat to them. The Government proposed Lokpal bill does wants the Lokpal to be advisory body and just forward the complaints to the recepective department and does not have any right to register and FIR or police powers. This bill not give power to the Lokpal to do any investigation against the Prime Minister, which deals with foreign affairs, security and defence and also no jurisdiction over bureaucrats and government officers. These are the major lacking of the current version with the Government, but we need a Jan Lokpal bill which is addressing the above mentioned issues. Do support for this bill and try your best to force the Government to do it for us. We are the people who have put them on to rule the country and they will have to do it for us. Criticism- The Lokpal bill is intended to provide the common man with direct powers to censure his/her elected representative. However, every complainant has to pay fees and take full responsibility for leveling charges. In case the complaint is found to be baseless, punitive action extending to two years in jail and monetary fine of up to Rs.50,000 may be imposed on the complainant. Charges of corruption in the Indian legal system are not necessarily covered only under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 but also under many other Acts, but the Lokpal restricts its ambit to the cases under this Act. Regarding the constitution of the Lokpal, the Chairman of the Lokpal shall be from among past or present chief justices of Supreme Court. But the other two members of the Lokpal may also be from those qualified to be judges of the Supreme Court. The loose end left here makes countless many from India’s entire judiciary eligible for the post including those who are also senior party politic ians with legal background. 4. Jan Lokpal Bill: The Jan Lokpal Bill (Citizen’s ombudsman Bill) is a draft anti-corruption bill drawn up by prominent civil society activists seeking the appointment of a Jan Lokpal, an independent body that would investigate corruption cases, complete the investigation within a year and envisages trial in the case getting over in the next one year. Drafted by Justice Santosh Hegde (former Supreme Court Judge and former Lokayukta of Karnataka), Prashant Bhushan (Supreme Court Lawyer) and Arvind Kejriwal (RTI activist), the draft Bill envisages a system where a corrupt person found guilty would go to jail within two years of the complaint being made and his ill-gotten wealth being confiscated. It also seeks power to the Jan Lokpal to prosecute politicians and bureaucrats without government permission. Retired IPS officer Kiran Bedi and other known people like Swami Agnivesh, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Anna Hazare and Mallika Sarabhai are also part of the movement, called India Against Corruption. Its website describes the movement as â€Å"an expression of collective anger of people of India against corruption. We have all come together to force/request/persuade/pressurize the Government to enact the Jan Lokpal Bill. We feel that if this Bill were enacted it would create an effective deterrence against corruption.† Anna Hazare, anti-corruption crusader, went on a fast-unto-death in April, demanding that this Bill, drafted by the civil society, be adopted. Four days into his fast, the government agreed to set up a joint committee with an equal number of members from the government and civil society side to draft the Lokpal Bill together. The two sides met several times but could not agree on fundamental elements like including the PM under the purview of the Lokpal. Eventually, both sides drafted their own version of the Bill.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Bus 117 Introduction to Organizational Dynamics Week 5 Final Paper Essay

In this paper I will discuss how a team leader assesses how big the team is needed in order to accomplish the task assigned to them. This paper will also discuss the how conflicts can arise while trying to meet their goals. Such as which person works better in certain areas. I will also talk about how a team leader resolves their problems that may accure. In addition I will also discuss if team work will take longer to complete task along with some of its advantages. I will also point out some of the resistors to team work like not have the proper tools or supplies. I will also discuss how to be proactive so that you don’t run into this situation. Last but least I will give my own personal opinion on what I think when it comes to team work and how efficient it can be for the whole department. After speaking to one of my old supervisors and asking him how he went about making the determination of the size of the crew needed for the job. First explained that he would see how big the job was what equipment was going to be needed for the job. Next he would determine which of the guys would be needed to do the job. Now the size of the team was determined by how experienced the workers are in what the job calls for. The main thing he looked for in his workers skills were technical expertise, problem-solving and decision-making skills and interpersonal skills. He explain that he could have a hundred works but not have the experience to get the job done in the time frame given. So that’s why his people are carefully chosen so that it can go according to plan and making this operation very cost efficient and correct. He said usually smaller teams are the best and it reduces the risk of communication breakdown. As an example he said that if they had to ship out twenty windshields he would need all packing materials to be ready and make sure that he had seven people for the job to be done in a timely manner. Two of the seven would prep the shipping boxes the other two would properly pack the windshield so that it would get to the proper destination without damage. The other two would put all warning stickers and make sure that they were put at the right loading docks so that they could be sure. See more: how to start an essay The last person would inspect that right part was being shipped to the proper location on the order forms from the customers (dealers) and making the final calls that parts were on their way. When I asked him if he came across any conflict of any type his response was no, the reason he said no was because he cross trained everyone in the department and put his strongest workers in the position that they exceed in. also he built up a relation between them as far as work was concerned. Another he had weekly meetings and would listen to all concerns and let them talk it out amongst themselves and then in the end after listing to everyone he would answer all concerns that were in his control. The concerns that were beyond his pay grade he would bring it up to his supervisors and the following week he would inform his employees with the best answer that was given to him by his supervisor. His most common conflict wasn’t so his employees as he explain it was having the right part in stock or the part being in the right location. As went along with the interview I asked if he felt that team work might take longer than it would a single person. Surprising he said it all depends the on the task at hand and how well it’s prepared and if all supplies are in stock. Like the large load of windshields being shipped out would require a large team where a single person may not even close to finishing a third of the shipment due to the fact he would have to stop and look for some else with time on their hands or pull a busy person from his job to be able to lift the windshield to be able to finish packing it. By doing this it slows the entire shipping department and causing a little confusion that may cause some conflict. By better planning of larger jobs makes it a lot easier and more efficient to get the job done in a shorter time. I believe that having the right team and all the proper materials that team work would not take longer to do the job. I must also ke ep in mind that in a team work environment communication becomes the key fact due to the fact if communication breaks down it can lead to disaster. You must always be on top of making sure that the right orders were sent out by communicating frequently. There are many different types of resistors when it comes to team work and the one I found in our job environment was not having the right part to ship ran out of packing material due to back orders or not having the address to ship to. This affects the team greatly causing work to pile up while waiting for back orders to be filled pushing current work back to fill the back orders coming in making them a priority to get the old out and then work with the current. Even then with careful planning and watch due dates for back orders to arrive can help better plan how to organize your personnel. I’m a firm believer that being proactive in any situation and staying ahead of the game even when behind can only lead to positive outcomes in the end. I believe team work is more efficient when it calls for it. A good team starts with a great leader as well as a great team makes a great leader meaning that as long that there is a respect boundary between the leader and workers are there e fficiency is already there. The best way to make sure that your team is working in a efficient manner its best to prioritize your day in advance make sure everything you need for the next day is there and list your task by priority. Next set deadlines corresponding to what you have prioritized the night before in the order you put them last but least make sure your work space is organized and paper work is order to be able to start a fresh day. In doing this helps ensure that your team is running efficient and to their max potential. Leaving no room for conflicts or miscommunication for course of the day. In this paper you have read how a team leader determines what size the team should be and how they make their determination. You have also read on what kind of conflicts may occur in a team environment and how they can be resolved. I have also explained on how resistors can affect the team and they are not always within the team its self. You have also read how teams can be more ef ficient when properly organized.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Reflection Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reflection - Assignment Example The supply is higher than the demand due to the release of past stockpiles by the energy companies that expected prices to go higher over the years while ignoring the price decrease. In normal circumstances, the prices fall resulting in a decline in supply and an increase in demand. However, the prices of oil declined, and demand decreased while supply increased. The predictions by the government for a further decline in prices have resulted in the maintenance of the equilibrium demand by customers expecting the prices to decrease further. Energy companies want to release as much oil and its product at the current price to avoid doing so when the prices decrease further. At the moment, the forecast for future price decreases is influencing the behavior of the supply and demand of oil prices. The steady and firm dollar has also affected the demand for oil. Oil prices get measured in dollar terms, and the currency has been stable making the decrease in prices ineffective in most countries where the dollar rates supersede the change. The increased supply has also happened due to the change in technology that allows oil companies access supplies in the trapped shale-oil

Friday, September 27, 2019

Studying abroad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Studying abroad - Essay Example I believe that my decision to study abroad is one of my best decisions that I have taken in my life. There are many benefits of studying abroad, including earning more experience, having dependent responsibility, and changing my future. First of all, studying abroad has many positive effects on people; one of them is earning more experience in life. By studying abroad you may have an experience with how to deal with people and how to have more friends. For example, before I came to the United States, I did not have any friends who would not speak my language. But after I came to the United States, I started to meet with different people. After a few months, I had made many friends from the United States, Mexico, and from many Asian countries. Also, because of modern technology, I was able to communicate with them easily. In addition, you may know much information about many countries along with learning their languages. One day, one of my friends went to Canada to study English, and after a few months he came back to Kuwait. He said â€Å"of course I went to Canada to study English, but also I learned some French.† So, many people can know more than one new language, and can learn a lot about many countries. Not only does studying abroad give a person more experience, it also makes him independent. Another reason of studying abroad is having dependent responsibility. ... You need more experience and studying abroad may help you with that. For example, when my roommate was in Ohio, he met two people from Mexico. One of them was a good man but the other one was a bad man. So he decided to be a friend with the good man and he said to the other one, â€Å"I do not want to be your friend.† Studying abroad helped him to open his mind and decide what was better for him. Furthermore, more responsibilities in the house were another part of dependent responsibility. For example, in Kuwait I did not do anything in the house. My mother cooked the food for my family and me, and my father paid the bills for the house. But here in the United States, I have to pay my bills, cook my meals and clean my house and clothes by myself. Not only having dependent responsibility is an effect of studying abroad, it is also changing my future. Changing my future is one of the objectives of studying abroad. It affects my future in many ways. One of them is there are many opportunities to have a graduate scholarship for Master and P.H.D degrees. For example, my uncle went to the UK to continue his Master and P.H.D degree in engineering. One of the most important reasons that helped him to have a scholarship was that he had been a student in the United States for his bachelor degree. Furthermore, you may have a bigger chance to have a job because you are studying abroad. Also many private sections in Kuwait give the opportunity to the students who study abroad in comparison to many people who graduate from local schools. One day, two of my friends applied to the company to work there. One of them had graduated from the United Kingdom and the other one had graduated from Kuwait University. After a week, my friend who had graduated from the United Kingdom

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Operations Management group work assignment Essay

Operations Management group work assignment - Essay Example Each group should have an item for producing and a leader who coordinate the production process. The over and underproduction problem could be addressed by understanding the actual number of items required in the market on a daily basis. It means that prior production students should investigate the number of orders that they should meet per day so as to avoid the problem of wastage or to run out of stock. Students could solve the problem of missing necessary ingredients in their products by having a kitchen recipe that guides them on how to manufacture each item (Slack, Brandon-jones & Johnston, 2014). Various considerations should be made to ensure sustainability on proposed changes. The first consideration is that students should embrace technology when producing the cupcakes and other items. Technology could help to produce high-quality items and promptly meet large market demand. Further, process mapping should be considered to ensure sustainability. Process mapping may help to manage the production process and ensure the needs of customers are met. It may also help to reduce flaws and resource wastage (Connor & Dovers,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Comparing Two Arguments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Comparing Two Arguments - Essay Example He defends the use of animals in scientific experiments. Roger Caras is a well-known photographer and writer. He is known best for being a wildlife preservationist and as a president of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Obviously, Caras is on the other side of the fence, defending animals as subjects in scientific experiments. Karpati believes that the use of animals in scientific experiments is a necessary means to discover and understand the different principles, such as biological processes. He agrees that computer simulation may help but it will not be enough to imitate the different processes happening within one’s live body. Thus, it is important to have live subjects to replicate the same processes. He argues that if the use of animals in experimentation is restricted, the scientific research will be greatly impacted. Medicines, surgical techniques and other great innovations may not be discovered for years, even decades. Karpati says he doe s not advocate a cruel treatment to animals, rather he wants the public, and the animal rights movement, to ponder on whether to choose using animals to discover treatments for the illness of a child or to let a sick child die without attempting to treat him. Caras, on the other hand, argues that animals have rights and we don’t have the right to inflict pain and suffering on them. We should not be treating animals as properties that we can do anything we want to. Caras believes that there is a pressing need to find alternatives to animals when doing scientific research. His argument focuses on the quest to discover other means on how scientific research can effectively simulate the needed information gathered from live bodies. Different with other animal rights advocate, he attempts to direct the public in resolving the conflict by looking for alternatives rather than by just arguing not to use animals or to continue using them as live subjects. While Karpati defends his poi nt of view, Caras points the reader to a different direction. Caras wants the reader to look for solutions rather than just argue about the issue. Karpati wants the reader to understand that the restriction of animal use might as well be a call to limit scientific research. He does this by enumerating the many effects of limiting the use of animals in research. He says that â€Å"the terrifying effects of the effort to restrict the use of animals in medical research is that the impact will not be felt for years and decades† (Karpati). He continues that drugs, surgical techniques, and fundamental biological processes may not be discovered and understood until years later, and even more that these delays may mean the cost of many lives. Karpati defends himself by saying he does not advocate animal cruelty. In fact, he believes that the animal rights movement has made a significant contribution in making the scientific community search harder for suitable alternatives for animal experiments. But Caras believes that there is little effort in doing so as it has only recently become an imperative for the scientific community (Caras). Caras points out that even if the scientific community is looking for alternatives, they are not looking hard enough or their efforts are delayed. Caras and Karpati both declares that the scientific co

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Greek Microsoft Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Greek Microsoft - Case Study Example He/she will be responsible for the AntiPiracy organization to maximize efficiency of AntiPiracy programs externally throughout customer segments and Reseller's channel & internally for all employees driving AntiPiracy education and readiness campaigns (eg. what is Intellectual Property (IP), SW Asset management (SAM) etc). In addition, for building an external, cross-industry coalition and managing relationships with third party influential's to maximize the impact that we have on government engagement efforts targeting local and foreign influencers to combat piracy." Ten years ago the specific sub was rather small (30 employees). The General Manager was the leader and followed all Microsoft guidelines for personnel and management. This sub was particularly important for the Middle East Africa region therefore there was an interest from the headquarters for the sub's profits and sales turnover. After a major reengineering the sub moved to the EMEA (Europe Middle East Africa) region and its importance was significantly reduced. The Antipiracy Manager's position lost its importance since it became a subordinate of Small and Medium Enterprises Manager (SME) instead of the General Manager as it was before. The work environment, prior to the move to EMEA, was comfortable and employees felt they had initiative and their efforts were rewarded accordingly. When the sub moved to EMEA, a new General Manager took over the position as the old one resigned. The new GM did not have any experience of the software industry (his experience was in Digital, PC hardware) and his leadership style was different. He made his decisions based solely on his Direct Reports feedback without cross checking the info he had and without having first hand experience. This fact plus his non software experience created a very negative work environment. Employees' performance appraisal was based on their good or bad working relationships with the managers and not on objective and measurable criteria. People started playing "politics" instead of being productive. As a result, the sales turnover of the sub, after having seven consecutive years increase, was reduced significantly. The new GM was fired after having only two years work experience at the sub. Brief analysis of the theory of Emotional intelligence and the role of a positive environment. D. Goleman (2000) defines Emotional Intelligence as the ability to recognize our own feelings as well as the feelings of others, to create motives for ourselves and to handle correctly our feelings and our

Monday, September 23, 2019

Companies in the Financial Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9500 words

Companies in the Financial Industry - Essay Example Other companies and their strategies will also be examined in an attempt to discover if they will reach the pinnacle, for which they are aimed, or if they will fail in their efforts to knock the ‘king off his mountain’. In order to reach the top in the financial services industry, and, an even more difficult task; to stay there, a certain amount of attitude can be a good thing, and some experts may even say it is more than likely a necessary thing. Some of the companies discussed herein have that ‘attitude’ and some of them don’t. Initially, the focus of this paper was to be on a number of the oldest and most well known New York Stock Exchange firms such as Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Kidder Peabody, JP Morgan, Chase Manhattan and Prudential. It soon became clear that such material, both printed and electronic, that was available concerning such firms was rather limited and focused on banal items such as; financials and profit/loss statements. Finding scholarly papers or journal reports written about the history of such firms was nearly as difficult as was discovering books (both fiction and non-fiction) about the same subject. A grand total of five books covering Wall Street history were discovered in the local library system, with only one book on site.   A detailed search at the local university’s library was not nearly as productive as had been hoped either.  Not only was there a limited supply of books covering Wall Street’s history, there was even less in the way of books wri tten about specific firms.   Books such as Charles R. Geisst’s; Wall Street: A History and 100 Years of Wall Street provided a detailed and rich history of Wall Street, but not a dearth of specific details concerning companies themselves.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

CMOS NOR Gate on Dynamic State Essay Example for Free

CMOS NOR Gate on Dynamic State Essay Transistor can be used for the purpose of switching depending upon the gate signal. NMOS switch closes when switch control input is high, while PMOS switch closes when switch control input is low. This fundamental property of MOS is used in the form of combinational circuits for fabricating a range of integrated circuits. Basic CMOS combinational circuits comprises of Complementary pull-up (p-type) and pull-down (n-type) circuits. CMOS can be used to fabricate different types of logic gates. The NOR operation is basically the negation of the OR operator. If both the inputs to the gate are LOW (0), the output displays a HIGH (1). If either of the inputs is HIGH (1), it yield a LOW at the output. The CMOS technology has been quite effectively used to implement various applications and logic functions. NOR gate is one such implementation, which can be done quite effectively using CMOS. In a static CMOS circuit, each gate output is always connected to Vdd or Vss through a low resistance path, as the circuit has a low resistance path between the output and the power rails. This results in somewhat more power consumption for the static circuit. On the other hand in the dynamic state, the circuits make use of temporary storage of signal values on the capacitance of high impedance circuit nodes. This way the dynamic circuits have no static power dissipation. The transistor ME (Fig-2) eliminates static power consumption. The clock input (CLK) determines two phase operation of the circuit namely pre-charge and evaluation. After discharge during one cycle, the dynamic gate will wait for the next pre-charge pulse. As the pull down network remains OFF till it is required. The switching speeds to happen to be faster in dynamic gates, as the load capacitance is reduced due to fewer numbers of transistors. For a static gate the fan-in of N requires 2N switching devices, but for a dynamic NOR gate we need to have only N+2 devices. The drawback in using capacitor CL is that the clock signal becomes a prerequisite to refresh the logic level. Clock signal ? (t) charges the up the load capacitance with the help of MP (P-Pre-charge) when a transition takes place from high to low; ME (E-Evaluate) is cut off and block any discharge path of CL through logic function transistors. As the clock signal goes HIGH, MP is cut off, ME starts conducting, which in turn results in discharge of CL if one of the logic transistors has a high input. Though the dynamic CMOS gates have quite a few advantages like high noise margins, no static power consumption etc. while being used in logic circuits, but there are couple of disadvantages as well. For example, synchronising and timing the clock is quite an arduous task, designing the circuit is more complex. One of the key disadvantages of dynamic logic is that, it becomes very difficult to cascade multiple circuits, because; †¢ Input will go for a change only when O is low and it has to be stable during the period of high O. †¢ When O is low, the two or multiple stages in cascade are pre-charged to a high voltage. But, when O is high, it leads to some delay at the output of first stage, which in turn will lead to discharge of second and subsequent stage. In order to come over this advantage we make use of CMOS Domino logic. To this end an inverter is added for ensuring that the output remain low during pre-charge, thus prevent the next stage from evaluating, till such time the existing stage has finished evaluation. This ensures that each stage at the output of the inverter can make at most one transition from LOW to HIGH. When there are multiple stages in cascade, evaluation continues from one stage to another – which is equivalent to the dominos effect falling one after another. It is also worth emphasizing here that each gate requires an inverter, which in turn necessitates that we make use of more transistors. When it becomes somewhat impractical to implement dynamic CMOS gate, we can also convert a dynamic gate into a static gate, just by adding feedback pull-up.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

High school Essay Example for Free

High school Essay CHAPTER ONE 1. 0 INTRODUCTION In an effort to improve universal access to education, the ministry of education made a decision to introduce the re-entry policy. The policy is meant to accord girls who drop out of school owing to early pregnancy an opportunity to be re-admitted six months to one after delivery. This initiative has since scored a number of successes as some girls have gone back to school and successfully completed their secondary education , though some, order the age initially would have done so, Fifth National Development Plan(2006-2010). Before October 13 1997, it was considered an expellable offence for girls who fell pregnant while at school. But the re-introduction of the re-entry policy on that date was a measure and recognition of the importance of addressing gender inequalities in national development and the need to narrow down the gender gap in the education, Ministry of Education (1996). Child pregnancy has been persistent factors in household and hence, the re-entry policy has enabled government and families to recoup the investment made in educating such girls and that the nation has been accorded the much needed educated human resource for national development. 1. 2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM There has been a marked increase in the Forum for women educationist of Zambia has endeavored to play in the support and sensitization of the re-entry policy in enhancing girl child education in Zambia. However, despite this increase not all have been able to go back to schools. This is a serious omission particularly when a good number of girls can utilize the given opportunity and when concerted effort has been made to enhance girl child education. In addition, all efforts and resources pumped in will go to waste. 1. 3 THE PURPOSE OF STUDY The purpose of this study is to find out the role FAWEZA is playing in promoting the reentry policy in enhancing girl child education and to find out the response of the policy by the girl child. 1. 4 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ To find out the role of FAWEZA in promoting the re-entry policy. To find out whether school managers do comply with the policy. To find out the response of the re-entry policy by pupils. To find out whether the re-entry policy is a success or failure. To find out whether teachers and parents support the policy. To find out measures in improving the re-entry policy. 1. 5 RESEARCH QUESTIONS †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ What is the role of FAWEZA in supporting the re-entry policy? Do school managers comply with the policy? What is the response of the re-entry policy by pupils? Is the re-entry policy a success or failure? Do teachers and parents support the re-entry policy? What measures can improve the re-entry policy? 1. 6 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The study’s findings and recommendations may assist the Forum for Educationist of Zambia FAWEZA and the Ministry of Education in promoting and supporting the re-entry policy in enhancing girl child education in Zambia. 1. 7 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY Because it was an introduction to research at degree, this research only covered a small part of Lusaka urban district. Secondly, money was a problem to access at the right time hence it delayed the process of collecting data. However, the researcher tried by all means to use the available resources, time to make sure that this is a success. @siamef Page 2 1. 8 DEFINITION OF TERMS ENHANCE; To improves or adds to strength. RE-ENTRY; An act or instance of somebody going back to enter. POLICY; A set of principles on which they are based @siamef Page 3 CHAPTER 2 2. 0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2. 1 Policy Formulation In contrast to the policy of exclusion that preceded it, the re-entry policy advocates that girls who drop out of school due to pregnancy should be readmitted after giving birth. The aim of this policy is to find more innovative measures to help prevent the exclusion of young mothers from education. In the event of a girl being forced out of school due to pregnancy, the Ministry of Education in Zambia has provided policy guidelines to assist schools and other stakeholders such as FAWEZA etc. †When the women’s movement in Zambia grew in strength, one of the issues they decided to fight for was injustice for girls who were thrown out of school after getting pregnant. In June 1995, the Zambia Association for University Women organized a conference on the situation of the girl-child in Zambia. The conference, which was held in preparation for the Fourth World Conference on Women, proposed to government that girls who became pregnant should be re-admitted into school once care for the child was assured† (FAWEZA, 2008, Ministry of Education, 2009). The policy is grounded in the outcomes of the Beijing Conference of 1995, a conference at which the Women’s Movement drew up its own priorities and action plan. The conference demanded that girls who dropped out of school because of pregnancy should be readmitted. In addition to this, Zambia is a signatory to most of the international instruments that promote the rights of children and women. The country recognizes education of all children as a basic human right as enshrined in Article 26 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It further recognizes education as a right that is also guaranteed by the policy of Education for All (EFA), the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the United Nations Platform for Action, and the Millennium Development Goals. In addition to the international instruments, major national policy developments within the education sector were initiated, culminating in the development of the third Ministry of Education (Moe) policy on education in the document â€Å"Educating Our Future† (1996). In 2000, the government adopted a National Gender Policy. The policy states that it will facilitate the readmission of girls who become pregnant back into school as a way of readdressing imbalances and inadequacies in the provision of education. The 2001 FAWEZA @siamef Page 4 workshop made a number of recommendations to improve the implementation of the re-entry policy. The recommendations were sent to the Ministry of Education for approval. Though there was no official acceptance, some of the recommendations were adopted, and that has made the policy work well, (FAWEZA, 2010) 2. 2 Response of the Policy In Zambia, some girls, especially in rural and peri-urban areas, fail to continue with their education as a result of teenage pregnancies. Although the Ministry of Education has a policy of allowing teenage mothers to go back to school after delivery, few are doing so. They find it difficult to leave their babies and stay in school for eight hours and are often ridiculed by others. The men responsible for their pregnancies often abandon them without any form of support. Unlike boys, a girl-child seems to have so much on her shoulders. This is due to cultural inequalities that continue to define societys way of life. Maybe this should be the focus of most of the gender discussion going on. Some girls in rural areas who fall pregnant are normally kept at home to help with domestic chores, or care for terminally ill parents. Others are forced into early marriages and thus denied the opportunity to further their education. Government, through the programme, has been seeking to bring teenage mothers back to school. Educating a girl-child has been a high priority for the Zambian Government, (Zambia Online). In realizing the re-entry policy, FAWEZA (2009) reports that† Interviews with girls also revealed a high level of appreciation for the policy among schoolgirl mothers who had reentered after giving birth. They reported that they were grateful that the policy had given them a second chanceâ€Å" Achievements highlighted by the head teachers and teachers were with regard to the increased number of girls who were readmitted after giving birth each year and the level of awareness of the policy by the parents who sent back their daughters after giving birth. These positive stories are set however against the background of the high number of girls who fall pregnant before finishing school each year. 2. 3 Successes and Failures of the Re-entry Policy Despite the policy being put in place in Zambia, an increasing number of girls do not return to school after giving birth. Social economic and cultural factors have been commonly cited as reasons for this failure. The annual statistics from the Zambia Ministry of Education @siamef Statistical Bulletin shows increased number of pregnancies. In addition, data from the Zambia Page 5 Demographic Health Survey (CSO, 2007) reveals that each year approximately 30% of the girls who drop out from school, do so because of pregnancy. The main reason stated for dropouts is the lack of financial support. The survey reveals that generally girls from disproportionately poor backgrounds drop out of school due to pregnancy compared to those from better off households. The survey shows a link between poverty and early adolescent pregnancy, which consequently leads them to be temporarily excluded from school. Zambia has seen a tremendous increase in access to education with pupil’s enrolments growing Over 9% since 2000. Further, the illiteracy rate in Zambia has been halved over the past three Decades from 90% to 45%. In addition, in the past two decades, Zambia has vigorously embarked on formulating interventions to eliminate gender based discrimination against girls and women as a strategy towards creating more equal societies, FAWEZA ANNUAL WORK PLAN (2012). Despite this achievement, many challenges remain in education delivery in Zambia. There is a huge gap in reaching the millennium development goals (MDG) and Education for All (EFA) goals by 2015. This particularly is a challenge given the country’s significant population growth and deep poverty. In addition, gender inequality is a long way from being realized. Despite the significant rise in female enrollment at primary school, fewer, female compared to male, enroll in high schools (particularly in rural areas) as many tend to drop out before completing secondary school. According to the FAWE ANNUAL WORK PLAN (2005-2009), â€Å"Despite the challenges in the re-entry policy, the government-civil society interaction and the consultative process in Zambia represent one of the best-practice cases in sub-Saharan Africa. The policy is appreciated by a broad spectrum of people. Internationally, Zambia has been cited as a best example for implementing the policy. Representatives from a number of countries in the region, including Malawi, Botswana and South Africa have come to Zambia to learn about policy implementation. † Interviews with the ministry of education DEBs, the national coordinator from a civil society organization (FAWEZA), head teachers, teachers and pupils indicated a high level of optimism for the ultimate success of the policy. Schools confirmed that the â€Å"re-entry policy is a good policy and indeed a historical watershed to the government of Zambia†. FAWEZA has provided 4,750 scholarships at basic, high school and tertiary levels in ratio of 7:3 girls and boys respectively. With the aim of improving the performance, retention and contribute to progression and pass rates of boys and girls on the scholarship @siamef Page 6. programme, FAWEZA has created and continued supporting 390 Study Groups at upper basic school level and high school levels. FAWEZA will also facilitate the showcasing of the repackaged SMT Tele quiz DVDs in 25 schools aimed at inspiring girls to take up SMT subjects. The activity is intended to help FAWEZA track the impacts of using the media to sensitize communities, girls and women that girls are capable of performing well in SMT subjects as the boys. 2. 4 Compliance of the Policy by School Managers. According to the Strategic Plan close out Report (2005-2009:20) â€Å"The creation of gender responsive school environments is cardinal in fostering access, retention and completion of girls in their education. In consideration of this, FAWEZA conducted training for 40 High School Managers in guidelines for gender responsive school environments and gender analysis and mainstreaming, while 58 female school managers took part in training in public image projection, which included role modeling, public speaking force field analysis and gender budgeting. Further, using the MOE/UNICEF Girl-Friendly school module, provincial executive members and CWA members were oriented for them to orient school managers; Out of 63 school managers invited to the gender mainstreaming training, 54 attended; Various PECs and DECs met the newly appointed PEOs and DEBS to solicit support. † Hence if such interventions are being carried out, various doors will be open to allow the success of the policy. @siamef Page 7 CHAPTER THREE 3. 0 Research Methodology The purpose of this chapter is to show how this study was conducted. It looks at the instruments used. The methodology gives in depth principles used to analyze and collect data in the research. This is a qualitative case study research that makes extensive use of primary and secondary data. 3. 1 Research Design The research design which was used in this study was the descriptive survey. This study was aimed at collecting information from respondents on the role of FAWEZA and the re-entry policy in enhancing girl child education in Zambia. The researcher used both primary and secondary data. Primary data was obtained through interviews with the FAWEZA representative, DEBs and administering questionnaires to Head teachers, teachers, Parents and Pupils while secondary was found from the internet, policy documents, statistical bulletins, books and magazines. 3. 2 Description of the sample. The proposed study targeted a sample of fifty (50) respondents. The sample included representatives of FAWEZA, DEBs, Ten (10) parents, five(5) teachers, five(5) guidance and counseling teachers, twenty(23) pupils and five(5)school managers. The sample was drawn from five schools namely Matero Girls High school, Kamwala High school, Olympia Park High school, Kabuionga Girls High school and Libala High school within Lusaka urban District. In this study, purposive sampling was used in which both male and female were used in data collection. 3. 3 Sampling Procedure The study was purposively sampled on the basis of public secondary schools that had girls. The sampling of the schools was also purposive; this was done with the help of head teachers who reported that their schools had student-mothers enrolled or pregnant girls that dropped out of school. Of the several schools in Lusaka urban District; 5 schools were chosen. However, due to the fact that schools closed, the pupils were drawn from those that used to go for studies during holidays. While the head teachers of the five schools confirmed having had schoolgirl pregnancy cases in their respective schools. @siamef Page 8 3. 4 Description of Research instruments In the process of data collection, in depth interviews and questionnaires were administered. The use of both instruments formed a complementary approach towards collecting data using qualitative type of research 3. 5 Data Collection In this study, in depth interviews were carried out to the representative of FAWEZA and the DEBs because detailed information was needed. Questionnaires were administered to school managers, parents, teachers and pupils 3. 6 Data Analysis Data analysis commenced after the process of data collection exercise. This included systematic arrangement of data from the field. This study is more qualitative to the perspective of the objectives and hence making qualitative research more reliable. 3. 7 Questionnaires In this instrument,  data was covered over the required sample. The content of the Questionnaires included: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Respondent’s role on the re-entry Policy in enhancing girl child education. Respondent’s compliance on the re-entry policy. Respondent’s support of the re-entry policy Respondent’s view on the measures to improve the re-entry policy. Respondent’s knowledge of the re-entry policy. 3. 8 Interview Guide Semi-structured interview were used as the main research technique in this study. The interviews covered various questions such as; †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ The role of FWEZA in the re-entry policy. Measures to improve the re-entry policy. Successes and challenges of the policy. Compliance of the policy by school administrators. Page 9 @siamef CHAPTER 4 4. 0 Findings and Discussions of the study. This section presents research findings based on the data collected from the DEBs; FAWEZA; head teachers; teachers ,parents and students from Matero Girls High School; Olympia Park High School; Kamwala High School; Libala High School; Kabulonga Girls High school in Lusaka urban district of Zambia. The findings are given under full heading derived from the objectives of the study. 4. 1 The role of FAWEZA in the re-entry policy The FAWE representative was interviewed on the role that FAWEZA plays in the re-entry policy by enhancing girl child education in Zambia. The representative confirmed of the major role that FAWEZA has undertaken in the support and implementation of the re-entry policy. In realizing the re-entry policy guidelines, the organization has realized various initiatives to bridge the persistent gender gaps in education. To mitigate the problem, the organization conducts various initiatives. Some of the actions that are being undertaken include: †¢ Advocacy to ensure pregnant girls go back to school after giving birth and they mix freely with other pupils. †¢ Guidance and Counseling services are being offered to girls who fall pregnant in all the schools. †¢ Bursaries are offered to girls, orphans and vulnerable children. FAWEZA has been able to take over the financial responsibility for some of the most vulnerable girls. The support does not cover only the school requirements. A little extra money is given for the girls’ toiletries. Some of the girls who have had children fall into this category and benefit from the support, too. Girls who may have stayed away from school for financial reasons have been able to continue their education. Affirmative action for girls which lowers entry points into higher grades and tertiary have been implemented †¢ Workshops and discussion forums are being held to discuss challenges encountered by implementing the policy and how these can be addressed in order to reduce gender imbalance in the education sector. @siamef Page 10 †¢ Stiffer Rules have been instituted in schools that protect girl children from Gender Based Violence and other abuses. Schools have come up with strategies to help girls avoid pregnancies. One of them was Kabulonga Girls in Need Association. A teacher who saw the need for girls to talk about the problems they faced started the club. He adopted tactics that helped the girls gain selfconfidence. When FAWEZA visited the school, it was impressed by what had been achieved. The school was asked to transform the club into SAFE, an American concept that stands for the Student Alliance for Female Education. SAFE clubs, which are student networks for the promotion of female education, operate under the auspices of FAWEZA. SAFE aims to use peers or mentors to improve the wellbeing of the girl-child. The mentors come from institutions of higher learning such as the University of Zambia and the Evelyn Hone College. Girls who volunteer to become mentors are trained in adolescent reproductive health and counseling. They counsel victims of abuse, STI/HIV/AIDS and other related cases. The mentors help the club members to: ? Take responsibility and make informed choices ? Resist negative pressures ? Build their self -esteem ? Discuss issues affecting them openly and freely ? Avoid risky behavior The Kabulonga SAFE club has become a national model. SAFE clubs have been opened throughout the country. They now admit boys as supporters. This will help the boys and girls to work together and grow to respect each other. The clubs are helping remove the stigma against re-entry girls. Another intervention introduced by FAWEZA is the Communication Box. A locked box stands outside the school. Girls drop suggestions or complaints into the box. Only teachers trained by FAWEZA are allowed to open the boxes. If there are allegations against the school for further action. This has reduced cases of verbal and other abuse by teachers and students alike, FAWEZA REPORT (2004). @siamef Page 11 4. 2 Evaluation whether school managers comply with the policy In response as to whether school managers comply with the policy, respondents who responded to the Questionnaires and interviewed agreed that the Head teachers in their schools complied with the policy. Of the (5) school managers interviewed in the five (5) different schools,(100%) reported that they actually comply with the policy and follow the reentry policy guidelines. This can be attributed in the high increase in the enrollments rates. The Head teachers comply with the policy through the following processes. 4. 2. 1 Readmission of girls who dropped out. The head teachers reported that they have massively been recruiting the young mothers who had actually dropped out of school due to early pregnancies. They said they have been doing so in order to support and comply with the policy guidelines because they were involved in the formulation of the policy at its initial level, Hence they needed to add a hand in the support of the policy. The head teachers added that they do not hesitate to readmit the girls who had dropped out of school due to pregnancy or finance but the girls are supposed to produce the documents granting maternity leave and the medical report confirming pregnancy. 4. 2. 2 Moral support, encouragement and equal treatment. The head teachers reported that they have been offering moral support, encouragement and equal and fair treatment to the teen mothers with the rest of the students through the Guidance and counseling teachers in the schools. From the findings obtained, it was confirmed by the key informants that the head teachers comply with the policy. However, it can be stated that the policy faced much resentment by several figures of the public. According to FAWEZA Report (2009; 14) â€Å"In the first year or two, there were newspaper reports of head teachers who would allow girls back only after intervention by the Ministry of Education. † It can be said that at the early stages of the introduction of the policy, there was much needed sensitization on the benefits of the re-entry policy in enhancing girl child education in Zambia. In one case, during the collection and sampling stage of this research with the District Education Office (DEBs), when asked if he had any cases of pregnant girls or studentmothers in the schools, he stated that he had some â€Å"unofficial cases‘ as they are yet to be @siamef Page 12 reported to his office by the girls‘ parents. Upon further probing on the issue of officialising‘pregnancy cases and why he would not take the initiative to confront such cases, he pointed out that this is due to fear of parents‘reaction to news of their daughter‘s pregnancy. Depending on the prevailing religious and socio-cultural beliefs, parents are more likely to react negatively to news of their daughters‘pregnancy. This view was shared by two other teachers from the schools that took part in this research. 4. 3 Response of the Policy by the pupils Views of the girls who responded to the Questionnaires converged with those of the head teachers, teachers, and the parents. Both categories of girls interviewed stated that the policy was good and it was well responded to although it did not address most of their concerns. When asked what their concerns were, adolescent schoolgirl mothers reported that the policy should have spelt out the need for providing counseling sessions to those who returned. They reported that while at school, they felt stigmatized by their friends and teachers through derogatory remarks such as addressing them by their children’s names: â€Å"Bana Mary (Mother of Mary), aunt Lucy etc† which made them feel out of place. It was the view of the pupils that the Ministry of Education was doing very little to enforce the implementation of the policy and ensure that girls who  returned to school were protected from verbal abuse by the teachers. At least 63% of the girls reported that they faced challenges with regard to combining the two roles of being a mother and a schoolgirl particularly when their children fell sick or needed to be taken to Under 5 clinics. They reported that they absented themselves from school and missed classes whenever they had to take their children to hospital. They further reported that the policy should have put in place mechanisms for following up those who for some reason decided not to return. At the household level, three key factors prominently influence the likely-hood of young mothers returning to formal schooling. These factors are; fathers support over the decision to return to school, the structure of the house-hold, and finally the availability of financial support from either the young mother‘s children partners or the extended family. Evidently, household characteristics and behavior have a strong effect on the re-entry policy; more so parental and community willingness to support school re-entry for the young mothers, most of whom are jurally minors. At another level, how the households interact with other institutions and the external socio-cultural environment that mediates these interactions @siamef Page 13 may affect the chances of schools re-entry. These factors have to be identified and understood by policy makers and programme managers if education for all including student-mothers is to be realized. 4. 4 The re-entry policy a success or failure FAWEZA has been successful in implementing programmes to achieve its objectives. Among them are the programs designed to improve performance, progression and completion rates such as theScholarship program that has seen 2,426 girls and 1287 boys completing the 12 year cycle. Further,a total of 27 students completed tertiary education. Further, the SMT programmes have stimulated the interest of girls in participating in the activities and are performing well. In the quizzes held in SP2005-2009 there were more girls scoping prizes than boys. In program area two, FAWEZAcontinued to sensitize communities on the policies that protect girls’ education. At school level the informants were asked if the policy guidelines were clear enough to provide them guidance for implementation, more than half (60%) of the informants, a majority of whom were teachers and headteachers (4), reported that because the policy was new, they needed to be oriented to it, before being asked to implement it. 4. 5 Do teachers and Parents support the re-entry Policy? In response to the support of the policy, (8) 80% of the parents who responded to the questionnaires were in favor of the policy. Though, (2) 20% of the parents were not fully sure of the re-entry policy guidelines. Of the teachers who were against the policy, (3) 30% were men and (7) 70% were female who reported that they fully in support of the policy. Therefore, only male teachers have remained constant in opposition to the policy. Commenting on this, one girl said the male teachers and the boys who were still against the policy were afraid of facing the mothers of their children every day. A female teacher said men like to dominate. When they see an intelligent girl, they want to curtail her education. They will do all in their power to frustrate her, including making her pregnant. Parents reported that the policy has made both boys and girls reckless. There was a feeling that the re-entry girls were in a vulnerable position because male teachers and schoolboys perceive them as having low morals. They come back with the sole purpose to study and pass their examinations. Therefore, they become better students. There is fear among some groups e. g. the parents and the teachers that the policy has led to increased cases of pregnancy @siamef Page 14  among the school girls. The policy has been looked at as a lee way to immorality because the girls definitely know that they be returned to school. 4. 6 Support of the re-entry policy When informants were asked to state the kind of support they received from the ministry to implement the policy, the DEBs and the school level implementers reported that they had received funds neither to photo-copy the circular for the parents and/or the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) nor to conduct local sensitization meetings on the policy. At the same time, the DEBs stated that the ministry was committed to ensuring that the policy gets fully implemented in all schools. Funds were planned to be set aside to conduct â€Å"massive sensitization meetings† and workshops targeted at school level and members of the public. FAWEZA organization on the other hand reported that they were planning to advocate and lobby members of parliament and some permanent secretaries to ensure that the re-entry policy be included in the Education Bill which was to be tabled in parliament in July 2010. It is evident from this finding that the policy was introduced in schools before it was discussed and enacted in parliament. The finding echoes that of Hoppers (2007) in Uganda in which he described the decision by some policy actors to implement a draft version of the policy before it is submitted to parliament. Similarly, the re-entry policy in Zambia was first declared as a policy by the then minister of education before it was discussed in parliament. 4. 7 What measures can improve the re-entry policy Respondents were asked to give measures to improve the re-entry policy. Their views were critically assessed and analyzed. In order to ensure that re-entry programmes are successful; the following measures were outlined by the respondents in implementing the policy: 4. 7. 1Political Will: The Zambian government did not capitulate, even when there appeared to be more voices against the policy, than those which support it. It maintained that expelling pregnant girls would make gender equality in the education system impossible. Hence, there is need to follow the political will of the nation @siamef Page 15 4. 7. 2 Guidelines: Availability of proper guidelines on how re-entry policy will be conducted is very essential. The guideline development should involve all stakeholders including the teen-mothers. The policy should be geared upon providing an opportunity for these girls to obtain another chance into the education programme and not to perpetuate immoral behavior. 4. 7. 3 Acceptance of Change: There is a need for community to change and accept that this program is for the benefit of the girls and the community at large. In Zambia after seeing the benefits of the program many families have accepted and supported their children. 4. 7. 4 Financial Support Not only to take over the financial responsibility for some of the most vulnerable girls. A little extra money to be given to the girls’ for other needs such as sanitary pads is essential. Some of the girls who have had children fall into this category and can benefit from the support, too. Girls who may have stayed away from school for financial reasons can continue with education. There is great awareness that there is a fear among people that re-entry of young mothers to school might influence others to immoral behavior knowing that they will also be readmitted if they get pregnancies. But studies in the area have shown that there is no concrete evidence which reveal constructive societal returns from expelling pregnant schoolgirls and young mothers from education. However, parents, community and the government at large should provide life skills education for girls and boys to make them aware of effects of pregnancy and should be encouraged to be more responsible for building their future through education achievement 4. 7. 5 Strengthen rules regarding the policy. Regarding the strengthening of the rules, 45 (90%) of the informants reported that there was need to strengthen the rules. In Zambia, the policy guidelines states that once the girl has been given maternity leave, the father should also be suspended from school until the girl returns to school. If the teacher is the one responsible for the pregnancy, it states that the teacher should be disciplined.